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Frequently Asked Questions


I thought municipal water treatment facilities remove all the impurities worth caring about?


According to an EPA administrator, 8% of water every day does not meet all EPA drinking water requirements. This means that 2.3 billion gallons of drinking water is considered unsafe - daily.


Why should I filter my water?


  • Boost your health. Filter out common tap water contaminants like PFAs, lead, chloramine, and waterborne bacteria.
  • Benefit the environment- Plastic water bottles can take 300 years to degrade. Reduce your plastic use by drinking filtered water at home.
  • Improved taste & smell- Filter out the taste and smell of chlorine in your tap water and enjoy the mineral-enhancing flavors of filtered water


What is hard water, and what are the negative effects of having hard water?


  • Hard water contains high mineral levels, such as calcium and magnesium compounds.
  • Having hard water can lead to dry skin and hair, as well as leaving your skin with a “slimy” feeling. Water stains and soap scum are other inconvenient results of hard water. Hard water can also lead to mineral stains on clothes which can cause other household expenses.


How does a water softener system work?


  • Utilizing ion exchange technology to combat mineral buildup in hard water, the softener tank uses specifically engineered resin beads to attract and capture positively charged minerals from untreated water, effectively softening it.
  • As the resin beads reach their maximum capacity, the softener tank undergoes regeneration. This ensures continuous, hassle-free operation of the system, delivering consistently softened water to your household.


How do I know if I have hard water?


  • Using a 12 oz or larger clear bottle, fill it with your tap water, and add about 10 drops of liquid soap — hand soap is better than dish soap for this test — cover the bottle and shake it for a few seconds. If there are not many suds, this is a good indication of hard water. More suds= soft water!
  • Other signs include soap scum on glassware after washing, mineral deposits on fixtures, and dry, itchy skin.


What are PFAS?


  • Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances are man-made chemicals that have been used in various industries since the 1940s. These chemicals can become a problem because they don’t break down and can accumulate over time in the environment and, as a result, the human body. It has been found that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects.